Lose 20-50 Pounds While Still Eating Food You Love, Without the Fad Diets and Exercise So You Can Finally Keep the Weight Off
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FREEDOM from food over indulgence
FREEDOM from cravings
FREEDOM from diet culture
So You Can:
BUILD a healthy relationship with food
LOSE WEIGHT while eating real food you already enjoy
HONOR your body
Request a FREE Personalized Assessment By Clicking the Link Below
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That’s exactly what Optimal Body achieves with our clients.
Dr. Aplin has made appearances on hundreds of TV shows across the country sharing Optimal Body’s unique approach to losing weight, specifically formulated for people over 40 who feel like they’ve tried everything.
Our comprehensive approach works on all 9 of the major causes of weight gain, instead of just 1 or 2 like other programs out there. And the best part is, we exclusively offer virtual appointments, so there’s never anywhere to drive, and you can achieve results from the comfort and convenience of your own home.
Imagine only working on 1 of the 9 factors. Eating habits for example. But the other 8 factors remained the same.
How successful do you think you would be? You probably don’t have to guess because you’ve tried this already….